6月1日 |
1955 |
全国网赌正规平台招收了第一批研究生. |
6月1日 |
1938 |
Dr. J.W. Jones arrived at the college from Terre Haute, Indiana, to become dean of the faculty. |
6月1日 |
1993 |
该大学开始了一项强制性的回收计划. |
6月1日 |
2023 |
Dr. Lance Tatum began work at Northwest as the University's 11th president. |
6月2日 |
1925 |
A "24 Hour Rule" was instituted, requiring all faculty to remain in 3月yville for 24 hours after 4 p.m. on the last day of examinations at the end of each term or forfeit one half a month's salary; the incidental fee was raised to $15 to include a $2.50活动费. |
6月4日 |
1937 |
政府. 劳埃德·C. 斯塔克签署了250美元的拨款法案,为修建一座新的培训学校大楼, which was completed in 1939 and remains the home of Horace Mann Laboratory School today. |
6月4日 |
1906 |
Frank Deerwester was selected as the first president of the Normal School. |
6月5日 |
2011 |
斯科特Bostwick, 他在一月份被任命为熊猫橄榄球队的主教练, 他在玛丽维尔的家中割草坪时死于心脏病发作. |
6月6日 |
1917 |
塔的第一本年鉴出版了,并以博士命名. E.L. Harrington of the physics department; the first degree class graduates, 这是第一次, 毕业典礼上要穿帽子和礼服. |
6月6日 |
1921 |
联合环境W. 拉姆金当选总统,于9月9日生效. 1, 1921. |
6月6日 |
1922 |
荷马T. Phillips and 3月garet Franken begin their employment with the college. |
6月8日 |
2010 |
Northwest's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship was recognized as the Missouri winner of the Southern Growth 政策 Board 2010 Innovator Award during the board’s annual conference in Kentucky. |
6月9日 |
1930 |
诗人Arthur Guiterman参观了西北校区. |
6月9日 |
2011 |
The Northwest community gathered to honor Head Football Coach 斯科特Bostwick during a Celebration of Life service at 熊猫 Stadium. The program took on a game-day atmosphere and included tributes to Bostwick, 谁四天前死于心脏病. |
6月10日 |
1929 |
The "24 Hour Rule" was revised to include the day before the opening of a term as well as the day after the 关闭 of a term, on which days faculty members were to be in 3月yville or lose 10 percent of one month's salary for each day missed. |
6月11日 |
1906 |
Eliza Munn became the first student to enroll at the Fifth District Normal School. |
6月11日 |
2004 |
全国网赌正规平台宣布了美国梦资助计划, an innovative needs-based financial aid initiative that assists undergraduates who might otherwise find a college education beyond their financial reach. Students qualifying for the American Dream Grant needed to meet all Northwest admissions criteria and come from the neediest families based on their application for federal aid. 西北填补了学费之间的缺口, 食宿, primary textbooks and the use of a computer for qualifying students so that the maximum payment the student would need to make during their first two years at Northwest was no more than $2,每年000. |
6月11日 |
2019 |
The Northwest community gathered to dedicate the renaming of its power plant as the John C. 小脸红. 电厂. 雷登,11月11日去世. 12, 2018, and provided 45 years of service to Northwest as a staff member in its Facility Services area. |
6月12日 |
1984 |
Ceremonies commemorated the completion of the restoration of the Administration Building with the installation of three copper ventilators on the roof of the west wing, 是在7月24日被毁的吗, 1979, 火. |
6月13日 |
1906 |
第五区师范学校一开始只有212名学生. 另外, the training school opened with 64 children enrolled in grades kindergarten through third grade. |
6月13日 |
1934 |
Faculty organized their first meeting to establish a local chapter of the American Association of University Professors and elected Dr. 约瑟夫·W. Hake as president, Miss Blanche Dow as secretary and Miss Mattie Dykes as treasurer. |
6月14日 |
1917 |
Philomathean文学协会购买了50美元的自由债券, 这是第一次世界大战期间由一个大学组织购买的. 20多年后, the bond was located at a Federal Reserve bank in Kansas City and Philo members cashed it to purchase a painting by Olive DeLuce that was displayed in the Administration Building. |
6月15日 |
2015 |
The Northwest and 3月yville communities celebrated the completion of the Fourth Street Improvement Project, 是什么在前一年关闭了走廊, and the re-opening of the street with an evening ribbon-cutting and block-party style festival. |
6月15日 |
2017 |
西北地区的卡尔和谢丽尔·休斯体育场破土动工, a 137,250平方英尺的设施,为众多的社会服务, 大学及地区的康乐及经济需要. |
6月16日 |
1905 |
The bill creating the Fifth District Normal School for northwest Missouri became a law. |
6月18日 |
1908 |
所有的工作都在行政大楼, 从1907年秋天开始, 因为缺乏资金而停止了吗. |
6月18日 |
1915 |
Normal pins, designed by the class of 1914 with a representation of one of the towers, went on sale. |
6月18日 |
1926 |
The 校董会 rescinded its 1914 action forbidding fraternities and sororities on campus. |
6月19日 |
1937 |
总统夫妇. 兰姆金向东京驶去, 日本, for the Seventh World Conference of the World Federation of Education Associations, 联邦主席拉姆金担任秘书长. |
6月19日 |
1981 |
弗兰肯宿舍变成了男女混合宿舍. |
6月20日 |
6月21日 |
2018 |
霍勒斯曼实验学校的学生, 老师, staff and parents as well as Northwest and local leaders gathered to celebrate the opening of a new outdoor classroom in the yard north of Brown Hall. |
6月22日 |
1906 |
Specifications for Academic Hall, known today as the Administration Building, were adopted. |
6月22日 |
1921 |
一个旅游营地位于学院公园的北部. |
6月23日 |
2011 |
亚当Dorrel, 前熊猫队橄榄球运动员, graduate assistant and an assistant coach for the previous seven seasons, 被任命为总足球教练. Dorrel became the 19th head coach in the program’s history and the third in six months after the retirement of Mel Tjeerdsma and the unexpected death of 斯科特Bostwick. |
6月24日 |
1919 |
为退伍军人提供六个季度的战争服务奖学金. |
6月25日 |
1977 |
玛丽维尔市向即将离任的总统约翰逊博士致敬. 宣布罗伯特·福斯特日. 那天晚上,校友会为他举行了一场致敬宴会, 最终以50美元的价格宣告结束,为纪念福斯特而设立的一万块奖学金, the largest scholarship fund created by a giving campaign in Northwest's 72-year history. |
6月28日 |
1935 |
R.T. 赖特加入了农业学院. |
6月28日 |
2019 |
Ashley Brincks, a senior animal science major from Carroll, Iowa, was crowned Ms. 美国农业. |
6月29日 |
1915 |
科伯恩球员队上演了“黄夹克”," "The Imaginary Sick Man" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in front of the Administration Building. |
6月30日 |
1977 |
Dr. 罗伯特•福斯特, who had served as the University's seventh president since 1964 and joined the Northwest staff in 1948, 退休. |
6月30日 |
2010 |
Membership in the Northwest 校友 Association reaches an all-time high with 6,737名会员和17个活跃的校友分会. |